Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Relay for Life

Relay for Life is going to be a special day for me as this is a time that the community can fight against cancer by walking laps and being involved in various activities. Our team participated last year and I know I can speak for everyone in that we really had a blast. We met people from the local high schools and other students and student-athletes from Salisbury University.

(Oh and the funnel cakes... to die for. If you attend Friday night, I highly suggest that you buy at least one!)

This day will be even more special for us (and myself) because there are numerous people in our lives that have survived cancer. Coach Brown's wife and Coach Brummell will be on hand at the Shorebirds Stadium and we will honor them as survivors as they beat cancer. It is also a year ago today that my mom-mom was diagnosed with cancer and in May my mother was also diagnosed. Both are survivors that fought hard.

My grandmother on my father's side is currently fighting for her life with pancreatic cancer. This is a very hard topic for me, but I know that everything will be okay.

Having loved ones that are affected by cancer makes this day a lot more amazing to us than others.

Please see our team's web site for more information on how you can help UMES Athletics fight cancer. (

Also, if you attend Relay for Life Friday night, please stop by our tent and say hi! We'll have plenty of goodies on hand and we love to meet our fans and the community!


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